
时间:10-02编辑:佚名 今日资讯


The US is not a warrior culture. Mass armies (in most societies) have been replaced by highly trained professional-technical military forces. The nature of most contemporary "war-fighting" has made that necessary.
When you look at the military face of China (and also of North Korea) it seems both are throwbacks to obsolescent military models - mass armies tooled for WW II. Neither has fought a modern war in 60 years.
The PLA navy, in personnel, is about the same as the USN, but 60-70% of it is shore based naval infantry and land based naval air, not forward deployed. You see a lot of pictures of Chinese sailors marching with rifles. Not very modern naval capability.

it depends on the theater of war, if its taking place on Chinese soil, I would have to say China would win, however, if its a mainly naval contest, the US would destroy China. But as stated, its just China v the US, i would say the US can win if it lasts only a year or two, however if it drags on and on, the US would be doomed because we just dont have the resources of men that China does.
Charlie Bravo(美国)
The best bet the US would have wouldn't be to engage the Chinese on their own soil in piecemeal battles, but to blockade them, and starve them of energy and every other necessity that they could be starved of. I suspect the "String of Pearls" including Gwadar would have to be at the very least blockaded if not destroyed outright, and every sea-lane leading to China would be have to be severed. That's the very reason I believe that China is so focused on aquiring naval force projection in the form of blue water naval assets such as carriers. Effective use of the US Navy would be cruical to a US victory, and one can pretty much guarantee that if total war erupted with China the US would boost naval production and capability to a staggering level.

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