
时间:10-02编辑:佚名 今日资讯


But the US is ahead of just about everyone when it comes to quality and quantity of naval assests. Britian is probably the closest when it comes to carrier tech, the Russians have decent subs but are behind when it comes to carriers.
We could maintain a campaign of dropping bombs and cruise missiles down on targets in mainland China.
Can they do that to us?
My main concern would be China hacking our military computers.
China could not get a single warship anywhere near the US without being sunk by our submarine force or other Navy assets. Not to mention our long range bombers.
China has no attack aircraft that could reach the US mainland. They could only attack our overseas interests.
In the meantime we would be bombing mainland China.
You obviously have no understanding of this warfare scenario. China's own air force is not a paper tiger. If the US sends fighters and bombers over to mainland China it would be a bloodbath. The US would eventually lose because of the sheer number of Chinese fighters and missiles. 你明显没有看清战争场景。中国的空军不是纸老虎。如果美国派遣战斗机和轰炸机轰炸中国大陆,那么将是一场屠杀。考虑到中国战机和导弹的数量,美国最终会失败。 Scamp(美国)
The US has more fighters and bombers than China does. 美国比中国拥有更多战机和轰炸机。 mingming(美国)
But how many of them can be deployed? The United States have to deploy them from carriers and island bases. China can deploy all 2,500 of their aircraft from their own soil. America can't deploy all 5,500 aircrafts. 但有多少可以部署?美国只能把飞机部署在航母和各岛屿的基地上。中国可以把2500架飞机部署在自己领土上。美国无法部署所有的5500架飞机。 Scamp(美国)
The US can launch bombers form deep inside the US mainland that can fly all the way to China, and bomb targets deep inside China, and then fly back to the US. This includes the B1 Bomber, the B52 Bomber and the B2 Stealth Bomber. 美国可以从本土起飞轰炸机,长途奔袭至中国,并轰炸中国纵深的目标,然后飞回美国。 这样的轰炸机包括B-1轰炸机、B-52轰炸机和B-2隐形轰炸机。

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