
时间:10-02编辑:佚名 今日资讯


mingming(美国) Ever heard of something called radar? 有没有听过一种叫做雷达的东西? Scamp(美国)
Have you heard of the US HARM missile? 有没有听过美国的反辐射导弹? Scamp(美国)
You do realize that the US would fire cruise missiles from over a thousand miles away, and they are deadly accurate. And drones have no blood to spill. These would target not only military, but also leadership persons houses or headquarters and bunkers. Stealth US aircraft, with our sophisticated jamming devices could also penetrate deep into China and go after strategic targets. In the meantime China could not send any military aircraft against the US mainland. 你倒是有认识到美国会从一千公里以外发射精准的巡航导弹。无人机攻击不会带来己方的流血。 巡航导弹不仅可以袭击军队,还可以袭击领导人的住宅或者指挥总部。 搭载干扰装置的美国隐形飞机可以深入中国轰炸战略目标。 与此同时,中国没有能力派飞机轰炸美国大陆。

the chinese numbers will only come into play if we invade China which i HIGHLY doubt will ever happen. the only way i see us fighting the chinese army is if they invaded russia (very unlikely) or if they attacked Taiwan. Otherwise it will strictly be a naval and sea fight which the US will win....unless we run out of missiles to shoot down all those crappy chinese airplanes.
and yes china has a lot of surface to air missiles but without radar they are as good as useless, they are just decorations without radar to guide them. without the thousands of SAM's the chinese have they probably would get annihilated by the US air Force and Navy. Because the US has better airplanes, better technology, and better air tactics than the Chinese.
Warfare isn't as naive as you think it is. Radars are the most protected assets when it comes to aerial combat. China will not be stupid enough to leave radars unguarded. 战争并非如你所想那般幼稚。就空战而言,雷达是最受保护的资产。中国不会傻到不保护雷达。 Scamp(美国)
Maybe you didn't read about the US HARM missile. If China turns on their radar the HARM missile will track its signal and destroy it.

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