
时间:03-01编辑:佚名 今日资讯


High-speed rail is the key to China’s balanced, sustainable double-digit growth. By 最新或2022(历届), four super-city clusters will emerge in China and two existing super-cities will expand as a direct result of the population’s increased mobility and the surge in domestic traffic in China.
A more mobile workforce and newly accessible markets will serve to narrow the country’s geographic and economic disparities.
The impact is imminent . . . by 最新或2022(历届)年, 50 per cent of the cities on the planned network will be connected to the high-speed rail grid. The economic impact of this increased connectivity will continue well beyond the immediate gains in key industries, however.
一份由Jerry Lou和Allen Gui完成的最新摩根斯坦利研究,解释了超高速火车如何永远改变中国经济。
Some industries are clearly well placed to derive long-term benefits from China’s infrastructure build-out.
Morgan Stanley analysts, from 12 industries and three continents, have identified the opportunities associated with this mega project.
The global investment bank has created geographic and sector baskets based on its investment analysis, which it believe will capture the secular opportunity in China for the coming 10 years, especially in hotels, restaurants, tourism, car rental, property, and rolling stock. However, aviation and toll roads may not fare as well, claims the Morgan Stanley report.
How high-speed rail is reshaping Chinese economy
China’s ever-expanding high-speed rail system is transforming the country, both, economically and socially.
Over the next decade, China’s high-speed rail system will increase the mobility of the population, affecting some 70 crore (700 million) people; contribute to the creation of four new super-city clusters, and enhance two existing super-cities; and boost hub cities’ traffic exponentially.

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