
时间:12-30编辑:佚名 今日资讯


China did NOT BUILD its current and only aircraft carrier . It was built in Ukraine and sold 2nd -hand to China which retrofitted it . It is an antique with a curved flight deck .
Jupitor Chakma (Agartala)
Aim of China seems to be as close to USA as possible militarily, although it can not overtake USA in near future.
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hazrat adam (Umriak)
I do not think that China has any designs on other countries, however, it has a right to take the territories that others have taken. China is the most powerful country except the US, China should have a 600 ship navy, with some 20 aircraft carrier battle groups, China can afford it and can do it. However India should know it's place, feed your poor, and stop taking handouts and aid from others, stop day dreaming about trying to compete with China.
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MadeInIndia (India) replies to hazrat adam
Rubish, India is a superpower already.
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Das (Pune) replies to MadeInIndia
Yes, India has become the superpower of Rape.
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MadeInIndia replies to Das
Whats wrong with that? Rape is not a crime, it's a suprise sex, it's a game!
Alakesh Upadhyaya upadhyaya ()
India needs more than 10 nuclear subs, 5 super carrier, stealth frigates and destroyer.
npk (bangalore) replies to Alakesh Upadhyaya upadhyaya
great calculation...but all of those need money and operation skill and proper learning to drive them..oops forgot to mention boldness has to be there

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