一个热心的人(A Warm-hearted Man!)_250字

时间:09-14编辑:佚名 话题作文


One afternoon an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand。 She was going to do some shopping。 Just then a car ran up fast and she was knocked down。 One of her legs was hurt and she couldn"t move any more。 A kind cleaner saw whis and rushed to her at once。 He helped her stand up and took her to the nearest hospital。 What a warm-hearted man he was! 【译文】 一天下午,一位老太太提着篮子过马路,她想去买点东西。就在这时一辆汽车快速开过来,老太太被撞倒了。她的一只腿受了伤,不能动了。一位好心的清洁工人看到了这个情景,便立刻向她冲过去。她帮助老人站起身来,并把她送到附近的医院。他是多么热心的人啊!

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