
时间:01-23编辑:佚名 座右铭大全



【趣味中文惯用语英文版】 to follow the fashion. --- 赶时髦; to be in time. --- 赶趟儿; to commit an atrocious cruelty (to sb). --- 下毒手; to put in time and energy. --- 下工夫。

there is neither everlasting sorrow nor everlasting happiness but eternal strong mental qualities.-----没有永远的痛苦,也没有永远的幸福,只有永远强大的内心。

【武林外传经典语录——中英版本】各回各家,各找各妈 go back home, and find your mom;老虎不发威,你当我是hello kitty tiger doesn't get angry, you think it's hello kitty ;额滴神啊!oh my god!(omg) ;亲娘哎!oh my mom! 排山倒海 …

【感悟人生】we can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint. ◆ 再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。

【不要抱怨变老】do not complain growing older. it is the privilege denied to many. —— 不要报怨变老,要知道很多人还没有机会变老。

【我们来学英语】oink-猪叫声 meow-猫叫声 tick tock-滴答声 splash-泼水 bang-重击 beep-嘟嘟响 quack-鸭叫声 chomp-咬牙声 atchoo-疼痛声 tweet tweet-鸟叫声 bow wow-狗叫声 cock a doodle doo-公鸡叫声 moo-牛叫声 ouch-哎呦 pow-嘭 knock knock-敲打声 crash-破碎 splat 啪嗒声

the most miraculous thing is ---- when a man bleeds,he is unlikely to shed tears any more... 最奇妙的事情莫过于----当一个人流血的时候,往往就不再流泪了。。。

it is, moreover, only in the state of complete abandonment and loneliness that we experience the helpful powers of our own natures. 只有当处在一种完全听天由命、孤独无助的绝境时,我们才能真正体验到那种潜伏在自身天性的积极力量。

【你好晨读】no matter what mood you're in, what kind of day you had, or where you are, smile——不管心情如何,不论今天过得怎么样,无论身在何方,请记得...微笑!

when someone tell you that you have changed, it’s just because you are not live a life in the way they get used to. 当有人说你变了的时候,不过是因为你不再按他们习惯的方式生活罢了。

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