What kind of food do you like?(你喜欢什么样的食物?)_300字

时间:08-26编辑:佚名 三年级作文


Hellow everyone。 I’m a Chinese boy,I have a English pen pal Mike。We know a lot about each other。

I like eating egg bread and porridge for breakfast。Many students go to school without eating breakfast。It’s bad for health。I have different food for lunch,I like rice fish and cabbage。I have dinner at home with my parents。We have mutton and potato noddles。Then we all drink orange juies。I like eating veagetable and fruit,they are good for my health。But my favorite food are dumplings。Chinese have dumplings to celebrate the New Yeafr。

What kind of food do people in


like to eat?Do you know?Fish and French fries are the most popular。Sometimes people cook them at home。But they usually go to a fast food restaurant to buy them。Mike have four meals a day:breakfast,lunch,tea and dinner。All there meals are very simple。

【猜你喜欢】 【为你推荐】