We are to descend in the angel of the world(我们用低姿态面对世界)_300字

时间:08-26编辑:佚名 三年级作文


We are to descend in the angel of the worldwhen we are bornGod gives us the mission of love. Since parents teacher and classmate go to colleagueare even stranger we have gotten the sunlig-ht of love. And we also repay them also with love. Your smile and your enthusiastic your help are the embodiments of love. On our wing have been scattered the radiance of love. It is not giving of-f the radiance of love all the time. We are the emissary of pure soullet the seed of love scatt-er worldsprout in every placebloomthen result. We like familylike this societylike m-otherland love this we the earth of life. At the same time we also let this place has been filled with lovelet world be filled with love!

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