A Good Sport Of Tai Quan Dao(运动方式跆拳道)_300字

时间:08-26编辑:佚名 三年级作文


In the summer holidays I learned a new sport---Tai Quan Dao. It comes from Korea. Now it’s very popular in China. Many people go to learn this sport and one of them is me.

‘Tai’ in Korea means legs. ‘Quan’ means arms and ‘Dao’ means a kind of spirit. If you do this sport you can get very hot. Maybe it can also make you stronger. You will learn it easily and quietly. When I first started learning it I always felt very tired but after several days I could do it well. I didn’t feel tired again. Now I have finished the white belt. I will learn the yellow belt next summer holidays. I believe I can learn it much better than before. If there is some danger I can save myself even though I am a girl.

So Tai Quan Dao is a very good sport for us. I need Tai Quan Dao just as fish need water. I love it very much.

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