Being A Brave Petrel(做一个勇敢的海燕)_300字

时间:08-26编辑:佚名 三年级作文


In about sixty days we will have the high school entrance examination. It’s very important to us. We’re busy with our lessons every day. To tell you the truth I sometimes feel I can hardly breathe because of the busy school work.

Whenever I can’t work out the problems for a long time I will get angry with myself. Whenever I don’t do well in the exams I can’t help crying. But I will never give up. I know it’s my duty to work hard. I believe everything will be all right if I can live through all this. Our teacher often tells us that the sunlight always comes after the rain and wind. I think she is right.

Though our school life is busy it is very colourful and I will face the exam with a smile. I will be a brave petrel to meet the exam and take my dream to fly higher and higher.

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