
时间:08-11编辑:佚名 六年级作文


“我是小红帽,我是小红帽。六一已来到,六一已来到。快乐快乐。”哈哈哈,今天是六一节,我要去外婆家度过,不知道大灰狼会不会来,我一定要小心。大灰狼:阿哟,自从上次被可恶的小红帽扔进河里,我这肚子就好久没有享受过了,咦,这不是小红帽的声音吗?(跳出来)小红帽好久不见,“咕谷”我好饿。小:啊,救命,救命,外婆——猎人:小红帽,我来救你了。Biu_———-小:谢谢您,猎人阿姨。猎:不客气,这大灰狼太可恶了,上次教训还不够。对了,你要去哪儿?小:我要去外婆家过六一。Bey,bey。猎 :beybey。Adaptation of Little Red-CapLittle Red-Cap: "I am Little Red-Cap, I am Little Red-Cap。 Children""s Day have come, have come to Children""s Day。 Happy happy。" Ha, ha, ha, today is Children""s Day, I""m going to Grandma""s,The big gray wolf do not know will not come, I must be careful。The big gray wolf: A yo, since the last of the Little Red-Cap was abhorrent into the river, on my stomach did not enjoy for a long time before, Hey, this is not the voice of Little Red-Cap it? (Jump to) Little Red-Cap, Long time no see, "GuGu" ,I am very hungry。Little: ah, Help me, Help me, grandmother ……Hunter: Little Red-Cap, I save you。 Biu……Little: Thank you, Aunt hunter。Hunter: You are welcome。 this big gray wolf too hateful, and the last lesson is not enough。 By the way, where are you going?Little:I""m going to Grandma""s to have Children""s Day。Bye,bye。Hunter :Byebye。

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