
时间:09-25编辑:佚名 今日资讯


Aid was beginning to reach some of the 545,000 people displaced by Typhoon Haiyan that tore across several islands in eastern Philippines six days ago, killing thousands of people. Most of the casualties occurred in Leyte province, its capital Tacloban, and Samar island. Many bodies are still lying along the roads in the city and others are buried under debris. 援助开始达到大约545000人流离失所,海燕台风横扫过几个岛屿六天前在菲律宾东部,杀害成千上万的人。大部分伤亡发生在莱特省,其资本塔克洛班,和萨马岛。许多尸体还躺在沿城市道路和其他人都被埋在了废墟下。 Outside the Tacloban City Hall, dozens of bodies in bags were lined up Thursday, waiting to be trucked to the cemetery just outside the city for burial. The stench of death filled the air. 的塔克洛班市厅外,尸体袋数十人排队等待星期四,用卡车运到城外的墓地埋葬。空气中充满了死亡的臭味。 In the first such operation, 30 bodies in leaking black bags were lowered into graves without any prayers being said. 在第一次这样的操作,在泄漏的黑包的30具尸体被放到墓地没有祷告说。 "I hope this is the last time I see something like this," said Mayor Alfred Romualdez. "When I look at this it just reminds me of what has happened from the day the storm hit until today." “我希望这是我最后一次看到这样的事情,说:”市长艾尔弗雷德romualdez。”当我看这它只是让我想起了发生在一天的风暴袭击了直到今天都有什么。” Officials said efforts had been made to identify the bodies so families have a chance of finding out what happened to their loved ones in the days and weeks to come. It was not immediately clear whether this included DNA testing. 官员说,已经确认尸体的身份让家人有机会找出什么发生在他们亲人的日子里来。目前还不清楚这是否包括DNA测试。
当局说,已经证实有2357人在灾难中死亡,但这个数字预计将上升,可能显着,当信息从灾区其他地区收集。 Valerie Amos, the U.N. humanitarian chief who toured Tacloban on Wednesday, said some 11.5 million people have been affected by the typhoon, which includes people who lost their loved ones, were injured, and suffered damage to their homes, business or livelihoods. 瓦莱丽阿摩司,联合国人道主义官员参观塔克洛班星期三说,有11500000人受到台风影响,包括谁失去了亲人,人受伤,并遭受破坏它们的家园,商业或生计。 "The situation is dismal ... tens of thousands of people are living in the open ... exposed to rain and wind," she told reporters in Manila on Thursday. “情况很糟糕…成千上万的人生活在开放…暴露在风和雨,”她告诉记者星期四在马尼拉。 She said the immediate priority for humanitarian agencies over the next few days is to transport and distribute high energy biscuits and other food, tarpaulins, tents, clean drinking water and basic sanitation services. 她说当务之急的人道主义机构在接下来的几天是输送和分配的高能量饼干等食品,篷布,帐篷,干净的饮用水和基本卫生服务。 "I think we are all extremely distressed that this is Day 6 and we have not managed to reach everyone," she said. “我想我们都非常苦恼,这是6天我们并没有设法到达每个人,”她说。

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