royal sludge hotei(皇家浮冰酒店)_250字

时间:06-24编辑:佚名 话题作文


Dear Mother:

The weather isn’t very good。 ln fact, it’s cold and cloudy。 rigth now l’m looking out the window,and it’s raining cats and dogs。

the children aren’t very happy。 ln fact, they’re bored and they’re having a terrible time。Right now they’resitting on the bed, playing tic tac toe ang watching TV。

all the other hotels here are beautiful and new。Our hotel is ugly, and it’s very, veryold。 ln fact, night now a repairperson is fixing the bathroom sink。

so,mother, we’re having a few problems here at Sludge Beach, but we’re happy。 we’re happy to be on vacation, and we’re happy to be together。

See you soon。



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