我的同学强强(My Classmate Qiangqiang)_350字

时间:09-14编辑:佚名 话题作文


Qiangqiang is my classmate。 He is nine years old。 He doesn"t study hard。 He talks a lot in class, so the teacher is often angry with him。 He doesn"t like to do his homework, but he likes sports。 He plays football very well。 In fact, he is the best player in our class。 Qiangqiang"s father has a clock, and it is very nice。 It sings in the morning to wake up Qiangqiang。 "What sings in the clock?" One day he wondered。 So he opened the clock and took it to parts。 But he couldn"t put the parts back。 【参考译文】 强强是我班同学,他9岁了。他学习不用功,上课总说话,所以老师经常对他发火。他不喜欢做作业,可是他喜欢运动。他足球踢得好,实际上他在我班踢的最好。 强强的爸爸有一个钟,很漂亮。它早晨唱歌把强强叫醒。“是什么东西在钟里唱歌?”有一天他想弄明白。于是他打开钟,把它拆了,可是却按不回去了。

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