学无止境(There Is No End to Learning)_300字

时间:09-14编辑:佚名 话题作文


One day, I went out for a walk after supper。 I happened to meet several foreign guests at the gate of the park。 I went up to them and said, "Good ning !" They smiled and said "Good evening!" to me。I was very surprised。 I wondered why they didn"t say "Good night。" So I called my teacher for help when I came back。 My teacher explained it clearly and of course I was wrong。 From this event, I realize how important it is to study English hard。 There is no end to learning。 【参考译文】 一天晚饭后,我去公园散步,碰巧在公园门口遇见了几位外宾。我走过去对他们说:“晚安”。他们微笑着并对我说:“晚上好”。 我非常吃惊,我不知道他们为什么不说“晚安”。所以我在回家后给我的老师打电话请求帮助。我的老师清楚的给我解释,当然是我说错了。 从这件事情我认识到,努力学习英语是非常重要的,学无止境。

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