我叫刘阳阳(My Name Is Liu Yangyang)_300字

时间:09-14编辑:佚名 话题作文


My name is Liu Yangyang。 Don"t you think the name is wonderful? When I was born on a Sunday twelve years ago, the sun was shining brightly。 We all know that we don"t often see such fine weather in February。 So my mum said my coming to the world brought everyone happiness。 I also have an English name, "Sunday"。 I gave it to myself alter I studied English for a year。 My parents hope that my life will be full of sunshine。 【参考译文】 我的名字叫刘阳阳。你不觉得这个名字很好听吗?十二年前,当我在一个星期日出生的时候,阳光灿烂。我们都知道,这样好的天气在二月份很少见的。所以妈妈说我的降临给每一个人带来了快乐。 我还有一个英文名字叫“Sunday”。这是我学了一年英语之后,自己起的

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