杰克和他的父母(Jack and His Parents)_350字

时间:09-14编辑:佚名 话题作文


It was a fine day in spring。 Jack went to the beautiful garden with his parents。 The family were working in the garden。 They were planting some flowers there。 Jack watered the flowers for his mother。 Oh, how beautiful the flowers looked! jack"s father picked up the most beautiful rose。 He gave it to Jack"s mother and said, "My dear, I love you。 I owe you too much。" Jack smiled,and he too, picked up two roses, and gave them to his parents。 He said, "dear Dad and Mum, I love you, too。 I owe you too much, too。" 【译文】 春季的一天,天气晴朗。杰克和他的父母去了漂亮的花园。全家人在花园干活,他们去种一些花。 杰克帮妈妈给花浇水。啊,这些花看起来多美啊!杰克的父亲摘下一朵最美的玫瑰。他送给杰克的母亲:“亲爱的,我爱你!我欠你的太多了!”杰克笑了,他也摘了两朵玫瑰给父母说:“亲爱的爸爸妈妈,我也爱你们!我欠你们的也太多了!”

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