
时间:08-19编辑:佚名 话题作文


水从云里一滴一滴地落下,就是雨。雨给全世界以生命。 我喜欢下雨,因为在这个城市,空气太干燥,又有很多的污染,它很难闻。如果下雨,空气就会变得清新而湿润。于是人们相告,“下雨了!多舒服啊!”他们都很快活,像过节一样。

Water falls from clouds in small drops。 That is rain。 Rain gives all the world lives。 I like raining because in this city the air is too dry。 There are too much pollution in the air, which often smells unpleasant。 If it rains, the air becomes fresh and wet。 Then people tell each other, "It"s raining! How comfortable it is!" They are happy just like in a festival。

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