Automated Collection Bus: a Success or a_450字

时间:08-19编辑:佚名 话题作文


In recent years a new kind of bus has appeared in some big cities in China.On those buses there are no conductors. When passengers get on the bus they putthe money for tickets into an iron box next to the driver. 

This is what we call automa-ted collection bus.The appearance of the automated collection bus causes a hot discussion in all walks of life. Some people consider it a great advance in technology and a sign of highly civilized society. On the contrary others think that conductors play a vital part on buses. Without them the order on buses will be out of control.In my opinion with the fast development of China automated collection buses should be the trend of future public transportation. Firstly it is a good way to cut down cost and improve efficiency.

Using this kind of bus bus cmpanies can save a lot of money on conductors' salaries. And without conductors the whole courseof taking buses will be much simpler. Secondly this new kind of huses may help people form a good habit. That is they must pay for the tickets and keep the order bythemselves.In conclusion automated collection buses will benefit us in many ways. It is a success but people must try their best to make full use of them.

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