Alice and John are talking about yesterd(Alice 和 John在讨论_200字

时间:08-26编辑:佚名 二年级作文


Situation: Alice and John are talking about yesterday' s English evening.

A. Hi Alice. Did you watch the English evening last night?

B. Hi John. Yes. It's an unforgettable night. What about you?

A. I enjoyed every minute of it. I liked the dancing by Class Two best.

B. I'm afraid I don't think so. The music was too loud. I preferred a short play to dancing. It was so funny. It made

me laugh from the beginning to the end.

A. Oh yes. It was very wonderful.

B. When shall we have an English evening next time?

A. Maybe next month. Would you like to give your performance?

B. Yes I'd love to.

A. O.K. Let' s wait and see.

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