the friendly sky wont be back(破碎的友谊)_200字

时间:02-16编辑:佚名 初一作文


I have a good friend.We always played together after school four years ago.He was very considerate.(体贴)He help me in learning.He bought lunch for me.He sent coat to me.He dedicationed(奉献) everything for me.But.That is the past.Lost will not come back.then blame(怪) me.I didn't treasure.(珍惜)He was very sad why I hurt him.NowI have regretted.I hope that if you read this passageyou can be back.Butthat may be a dream.

NowI have many discourses(话语).I want to tell you.I know I was wrong.Can you forgive(原谅) me?My baby?

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